Palm Touchstone wireless charging for BB10 Z10 Limited Edition

19th June, 2014

After added in the Palm Touchstone wireless charging capability to the BB10 Alpha C device, now it’s time for the Z10 Limited Edition (STL100-2)!

Here’s the video.

View video for details 🙂

Noticed that the original NFC is also working!

Now I have two wonderful wireless charging BB10 devices similar to Palm 🙂

Here’s the detailed info on how to add in the wireless charging capability to the BB10 Z10 LE device. (DIY at your own risk.)

a) The BB10 Z10 LE has a 5Vdc input and ground pin as shown below:

inside BB10 Z10 LE device

b) The 5Vdc is extended to a nearby area by a wire with one end soldered with Preci-Dip 2.54mm Spring Loaded Connector as seen below:

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

c) A 1.8mm hole is drill onto the internal cover to cater for the Spring Loaded Connector extended on from the internal 5Vdc as seen below:

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

d) Final steps, the Palm wireless charging circuit (removed from old palm device) is placed on the cover. Wires are routed and soldered as shown below. Two flattened desoldering wick is used so that the spring loaded connector came contact with it when the cover is closed as seen in the following photos:

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

BB10 Z10 LE device

This design is more elegant as there is no charging wire between the cover and the phone body. You don’t have to worry about breaking the wiring connection when opening the cover. :p

Happy BB10 wireless charging again 🙂


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